
At DB Engineering, we are passionate about making the world a better and cleaner place. We translate that passion into action through innovative environmental engineering solutions. Here, you'll find a diverse range of projects that showcase our expertise in:

  • Civil and Site Engineering and Design

  • Water and Wastewater Engineering

  • Stormwater Planning and Design

  • Transportation Engineering 

  • Multimodal Planning

  • Trail and Greenway Design

  • Urban Design

  • Parks and Recreation Planning and Design

  • Construction Inspection

  • Asset Management

Downtown Indianapolis at Night

Recent Projects:

Monon Trail Over 38th Street

DB Engineering was part of the construction inspection team for the Monon Trail over 38th Street project. This City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works project included the construction of a new 5 span bride, including four concrete beams and one prefabricated steel truss, new piers, and abutments, about 630 feet of retaining wall supported fill, about 1300 feet of trail, about 1100 feet of sidewalk, and other miscellaneous items. Trail traffic was maintained by a detour to allow the 38th Street work to be completed successfully.

Monon Trail Over 38th Street
Indianapolis, IN

Demolition of Old Terminal and Associated Structures

DB Engineering developed the site utility protection plan, grading and drainage plan, and the erosion control plan for the demolition of the Old Terminal Building at the Indianapolis International Airport. The 800,000 square foot terminal building, which was replaced by the Midfield Terminal in 2008, contained four separate concourses and other structures built between 1954 and 1987. The demolition project covered more than 1,000,000 square feet overall. The project required historical research, field investigation, and close coordination with utilities and local agencies. The project was a fast-track project completed within a one-month period.

Demolition of Old Terminal and Associated Structures
Indianapolis, IN

On-Call Bike Infrastructure Design Services

DB Engineering is responsible for providing design and management services for the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works for the On-Call Bike Infrastructure Design Services projects. The projects include, but are not limited to, on-street bike lanes, separated bike lanes, off-street bike facilities, signage, and traffic signals. Our responsibilities include the preparation of plans and specifications, an engineers estimate, coordination with utilities and local agencies, and obtaining all necessary permits.

On-Call Bike Infrastructure Design Services
Indianapolis, IN

111th Street and Central Park West Drive Roundabout

This project included the reconstruction and upgrade of an existing roundabout to an appropriately-sized, single-lane roundabout with a truck apron, resurfacing of multiple parking lots, and construction of a temporary entrance during construction. The pre-existing roundabout was not conducive to allowing delivery trucks and fire trucks with access to the Monon Center without tracking through the landscaped circle. The reconstructed roundabout is adequately-sized to allow use by designated vehicles without tracking over the curbs or through the landscaped center island. The new roundabout also included reconstructed splitter islands and trail connections as well as crossings. The pre-existing Central Park Sign remained in its previous location, which is now the center island of the new roundabout. The new roundabout has new splitter islands, modifications to the approaches, a new mountable curb at the inside edge of pavement on the circulatory roadway and a new concrete truck apron inside of the circulatory roadway. The roundabout also has new pavement markings and signage.

111th Street and Central Park West Drive Roundabout
Carmel, IN

DigIndy Underground Tunnels

The DigIndy Project is a nearly 28-mile-long network of 18-foot diameter deep rock tunnels being built 250 feet beneath the city. The tunnels begin near the Indiana State Fairgrounds on the north side and end on the south side of Indianapolis. DigIndy will be the largest public works project in the City’s history.

DB Engineering is a member of both the design and inspection teams. DB Engineering has provided design services including site, utility, and sustainability components for four of the planned tunnels. In addition, DB Engineering is part of the inspection team selected for the project and maintains a full-time staff person at the Deep Rock Tunnel site. The Deep Rock Tunnel is the first tunnel phase of a 20-year Long Term Control Plan and is a 7.5-mile, 18-foot diameter tunnel approximately 250 below grade. DB Engineering is providing safety management and other inspection services for the project. All sewage stored and transported in the tunnel system is sewage that otherwise could have gone directly into our waterways. The tunnel system is a component of the federally-mandated plan to reduce raw sewage overflows into our waterways.

Indianapolis, IN

I-65 Southeast Indiana

The I-65 Southeast Indiana Project was a project administered by the Indiana Department of Transportation to transform the existing four-lane facility into a six-lane facility to improve travel and safety conditions for motorists. The $143 million, design-build project included the modernization and major pavement reconstruction of 14 miles of I-65 between Exit 50 (US 50) in Jackson County and Exit 64 (SR 58) in Bartholomew County. DB Engineering provided the design for all of the small structures, storm water, and detention designs for this project.

DB Engineering’s design tasks included developing INDOT-approved Ready for Construction Plans for different segments of the project. The segments included coordination and QAQC, culvert replacement determination and reports, complete all hydraulic evaluations and reports, detention evaluations and reports, storm sewer evaluation and reports, all median ditches, inlets, and outlet design. These tasks were then followed by the designing of culvert, lining, detention, storm sewer plans and included all of the encompassing construction documents.

I-65 Southeast Indiana
Jackson & Bartholomew Counties, IN

RebuildIndy Transportation Program Management

DB Engineering has provided program management services and general department staff assistance for the transportation division of the Indianapolis Department of Public Works. The team was tasked with assisting in rapidly developing strategies on project selection and implementation, as well as worked to manage the Transportation Capital Improvement Program.

RebuildIndy Transportation Program Management
Indianapolis, IN

Pennsy Trail Phase 3B

DB Engineering provided design and construction document services for the development of the Pennsy Trail Phase 3B between Post Road and German Church Road. The trail will connect to segments previously completed or in design and will ultimately connect Indianapolis to Cumberland and the City of Greenfield.

The project included a new multi-use path on a historic railroad alignment, two bridge crossings, at-grade street crossings, identity and trail traffic signs, lighting and pedestrian signalization, plantings, trailheads, and coordination with adjacent property owners. DB Engineering has been intimately involved with the Pennsy Trail over several years.

Pennsy Trail Phase 3B
Indianapolis, IN

Marion County Admirals Pointe Bridge Replacement

The City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works selected our team for the replacement of the bridge that carries Admirals Pointe Drive over Geist Reservoir and North Fork Dry Branch in Lawrence Township. DB Engineering was a sub-consultant on this project and was tasked with providing drainage design as well as the development of erosion control plans. DB was also tasked with obtaining the Rule 5 permit through the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District and Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

Marion County Admirals Pointe Bridge Replacement, Indianapolis, IN

Eagle Creek Trail Phases I and II

DB Engineering produced construction documents for modular block walls, MSE walls, erosion control, and sign layout. DB Engineering’s responsibilities also included working closely with the prime designer to ensure quality and continuity of plans, meeting with the City to ensure correct sign design and placement, obtaining the needed Federal Aviation Administration and state erosion control (Rule 5) permits, developing opinions of probable cost, as well as produced check sets and final sets of construction documents.

Eagle Creek Trail Phases I and II
Indianapolis, IN

Sherman Drive and Thompson Road Roundabout

We were honored to be a part of the team chosen to provide design services for the roundabout at the intersection of Sherman Drive and Thompson Road. The project included: a three-legged single lane roundabout, a box culvert, lighting, sidewalks, stormwater drainage structures, pavement markings, 950 feet of Thompson Road reconstruction, 300 feet of Sherman Drive reconstruction, HMA pavement, and other miscellaneous items. DB Engineering was tasked with the development of erosion control plans as well as obtaining the Rule 5 permit through the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

Sherman Drive and Thompson Road Roundabout
Indianapolis, IN

Central Park Retention Pond Redesign

DB Engineering analyzed the east entrance to Carmel’s Central Park in an effort to improve drainage issues. DB Engineering looked at existing conditions and the original design drawings to build a hydraulic model of the site to evaluate potential solutions to the drainage problems.

Services provided included existing drainage analysis, grading design, and proposed drainage analysis. The design considerations consist of preventing road flooding, to minimize the impact to the existing road, trees and path, and to improve drainage pipe blockage techniques.

Central Park Retention Pond Redesign
Carmel, IN

Culvert NW 0102, Culvert Replacement

DB Engineering was excited to assist in the small structure replacement project located at 6640 Chester Avenue in Indianapolis, Indiana. We were responsible for the design, plan production, and contract bid documents, as well as construction phase services for the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works.

Culvert NW 0102, Culvert Replacement
Indianapolis, IN